Who we are

Who we are

We are a specialized team in projecting, developing and implementing electronics and mechanical systems to improve the performance of cardboard corrugated packaging machines with tradition and knowledge handed over from father to son by three generations.

Since 2005, our machinery solutions offer to our customers bigger speed, cargo capacity, develop machines, agility, performance and movement autonomy.

Applying technologies as logic controllers, sensors, transducers, servo motors, encoders, electro pneumatic actuators, surpevisory systems and other high-tech techniques, Renove empowers machines with the best cost benefit of the market.

Our team, committed to satisfy the specific needs of each client, counts on graduated technicians in Industrial, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering.

Renovae’s mission is to find the best solutions to meet the demands of our clients and offer exceptional automation quality, with the highest technology to ensure the best performance to the machines of our clients. Always with quality and delivery ensured.

“Each client’s needs is a challenge that we overcome with responsibility and security promoting the automation from the beginning to the end of its supply chain.” – Luiz A. Barban
